He Left Out The Boring Parts

As you have no doubt heard already, the great Elmore Leonard left us yesterday…

At 87, he had “good innings” as they say.  And with his incredibly prolific output of 46 novels, left little to nothing in his head unwritten.  I’m greedily hoping that his 47th and last, Blue Dreams, was far enough along that it can be published as expected in the coming year.  I need one more fix.

I was not only an avid fan of his stylish and hilarious crime fiction, but, as it was for so many other aspiring writers, his spare, rhythmic, evocative writing style inspired and humbled me to no end.

With every book, he showed you how it can and should be done.

And he made it look effortless.

His TEN RULES OF WRITING have become famous…

So typically no-nonsense and dead-on.

His stories always felt synonymous with summer.  Before Labor Day comes around, I can give no better advice to you than to sit somewhere in the shade, crack a beer and open one of his books…

You’re in for a treat.

Good night, Dutch.  Sir.

Now Detroit really IS bankrupt.